Leadership is the willingness to accept responsibility to organize a group of people to achieve a common goal.
Willingness to Accept Responsibility
Organize a
Group of
a Common
Why Leadership Matters
6 reasons why the world needs more leaders now than ever before.

10,000 Baby Boomers
will retire today.
Taking with them 350,000 years of experience out of the workforce.
50% of working Millennials
are already in leadership roles.
6 Traits of High Performing Leaders
We have studied high performers across virtually every industry, job level and geography. What we learned is that there are 6 high performance traits that you can learn to increase your performance.

High performers have a vision, lead with purpose and intent, and drive toward achieving their goals.

High performers have a brand that distinguishes them from their peers and competitors and stands as their reputation.

High performers are relationship builders, strong networkers and invest time to manage their connections to support their vision.

High performers able to speak and write with clarity, moving their audience to action and getting the desired results.

High performers are able to influence others, align individuals and teams, and drive towards a common goal.

High Performers are masters at time management, leading meetings, managing projects and getting high volumes of work done.
How to Identify a High Performer?
In our study of thousands of professionals, there are 3 common criteria for being recognized as a high performer. They set and achieve goals. They outperform their peers on a consistent basis.

12 Actions to Become a High Performing Leader
It is so possible for you and your team to become high performers. It takes dedicated, consistent action. It means that we are willing to CHANGE. Make the change starting today to COMMIT to being a high performing LEADER.

- Determine the top 5 skills required to reach your vision
- Assess your top 5 skill strengths & 5 skill challenges
- Map your skill strengths, challenges to the required skills
- Commit to 40 hours of professional development to gain the required skills

- Write down your vision, core values and annual goals
- Write down 5 things people say or would say when describing you
- Jump online and review your social media channels
- Commit to aligning your brand with your vision, values and goals

- Write down your top 50 relationships
- Determine who your top 10 influencers are from your relationship list
- Map your time spent last year to your relationship and influencer list
- Commit to investing in your top 10 influencers and top 50 relationships

- Assess your current speaking comfort level and capabilities
- Determine what you do well and what you want to do better
- Take a speaking course or record yourself presenting
- Commit to developing your speaking skills and confidence level

- Write down the names of 5 people that influence you
- Compare and contrast your influence ability vs. the list of names
- Learn from the named list and emulate their influential ways
- Commit to developing your persuasive, influential and negotiation skills

- Write down the 5 most important things you have to do this month
- Create an action list, project plan that aligns with your important list
- Review and prioritize your list every morning
- Commit to increasing your time management, focus and prioritization

- Write down your top 3 health goals going at your own pace
- Commit to becoming healthier tomorrow than you are today

- Write down your top 3 financial goals
- Commit to sharing your goals with a financial advisor to achieve them

- Write down 3 hobbies or passions you enjoy
- Commit to participating in 2 to 4 community events in those areas

- Write down 3 names of people you admire who would give you time
- Commit to asking and securing a mentor from this list

- Buy a great business-related book
- Commit to reading 6 to 12 books a year both professional and for fun

- Assess your current positivity-level
- Commit to being more positive tomorrow than today