Leaders self-check. Naturally, leaders are those who inspire others to follow them. Thus, the best ones know to check in from time to time–to turn the camera on themselves–and see if they act as the type of leaders that they personally would want to follow.
We all know those people who walk around the office with a portfolio and a pen, seemingly with no time for anyone. Even if they do have time to chat, others do not perceive them this way. The best leaders know the importance of their team members feeling comfortable coming to them at any point with concerns or updates. If they are busy, these leaders politely set expectations & time constraints, but they always make sure the people around them are heard. Otherwise, they stop coming.
2. They Check Their Level of AUTHENTICITY
You can’t hit the off-button on yourself, at least not for long. Leaders check in with themselves in all facets of their lives to see if they are acting authentically. They ask, when things are tough at work, how do I act at home? Or vice versa? Am I the same person at home as I am at work? Do my team members believe what I have to say? Leaders understand the importance of being real.
3. They Check Their Level of COMMUNICATION
By definition, leaders organize a group of people to achieve a common goal. For this to happen, clear communication is key. One of the biggest complaints about those in leadership roles is a lack of communication skills. For your team to rally around you, it is so important that they understand the goal. Even better, if they become part of the goal-setting process & communication, they are more motivated to achieve it.
Leaders Take Selfies of Their Leadership.
Then They Get BETTER.